Horseshoes SN



Measures 000 a 5
Back and Fronts

SN Royal Kerckhaert Horseshoe Company contains the group of horseshoes, who helped build the reputation of Kerckhaert family for producing the best horseshoes made on machines in the market today. Despite the blacksmiths use different horseshoes in different countries, found that SN horseshoes are perfect for your needs. Was top quality steel, together with the fantastic form of Kerckhaert, which made them easy to shape and fit horseshoes, Horseshoe Kerckhaert making the choice of professional blacksmiths worldwide. The attention to detail of the Olympic Proprietary Bolts, position, simplicity and angle of the holes of the nails, allied to superior design achieved by Royal Kerckhaert Horseshoe Company.

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Weight 1 kg
Front / Rear

Front, Rear


000, 00, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5